unable to set up icloudwas updated by GabeWednesday Nov 13
ticket -
Crash after launch mailmate was updated by benny
Tuesday Nov 12
ticket -
mailmate crashes upon opening was updated by benny 07:35 AM ticket
Mail subject in reminderwas updated by bennyMonday Nov 11
ticket -
Bulk Edit command
3 tickets affected:#471 #473 #477
. 11:56 AM bulk edit -
Progress Indicator spinning foreverwas updated by bennySaturday Nov 09
ticket -
TextMate Shortcuts in MailMatewas updated by bennyWednesday Nov 06
ticket -
MailMate and Filemaker Pro was updated by benny 09:28 AM ticket
unable to receive mailwas updated by bennyTuesday Nov 05
ticket -
Issue #387 appears to have returned.was updated by benny 10:50 AM ticket -
Crash when trying to edit an automatically generated crash report was updated by benny
Monday Nov 04
ticket -
Cannot make a secure SSL connection was updated by benny
Sunday Nov 03
ticket -
Crash of Mailmate while syncing with IMAP server was updated by benny
Friday Nov 01
ticket -
Wav Attachment problemwas updated by bennyThursday Oct 31
ticket -
Mute threads was updated by benny 05:51 PM ticket
Wav Attachment problem was updated by benny 02:32 PM ticket
Mute threads was updated by benny 11:15 AM ticket
MailMate crashing after launchwas updated by bennyWednesday Oct 30
ticket -
MailMate crashing after launch was updated by benny 12:47 PM ticket
MailMate crashing after launch was updated by benny 12:43 PM ticket
MailMate crashing after launch was updated by benny 12:17 PM ticket
Feature request: deletion behavior flexibility was updated by benny 10:26 AM ticket
Aperture applescript to us MailMate was updated by benny
Monday Oct 28
ticket -
Aperture applescript to us MailMate was updated by benny 08:14 AM ticket
deleting an account - continuation of 335was updated by bennySaturday Oct 26
ticket -
Trying to Delete Dummy Account--Red Messageswas updated by benny 07:25 AM ticket -
Cannot make a secure SSL connection was updated by benny
Friday Oct 25
ticket -
Cannot make a secure SSL connection was updated by benny 12:26 PM ticket
Cannot make a secure SSL connection was updated by benny 12:24 PM ticket
Cannot make a secure SSL connection was updated by benny 12:20 PM ticket
Cannot make a secure SSL connection was updated by benny 10:52 AM ticket
Can't pin MailMate to a specific desktopwas updated by benny 10:37 AM ticket -
New message window position not working on Mavericks was updated by benny 09:49 AM ticket
Mailmate seems to grind to a complete halt on large mail accountswas updated by bennyThursday Oct 24
ticket -
Mailmate seems to grind to a complete halt on large mail accountswas updated by benny 07:52 PM ticket -
prevent MailMate from marking imap messages as readwas updated by benny 07:29 PM ticket -
prevent MailMate from marking imap messages as readwas updated by benny 07:06 PM ticket -
Cannot make a secure SSL connection was updated by benny 06:06 PM ticket
Cannot make a secure SSL connection was updated by benny 01:23 PM ticket
Cannot make a secure SSL connection was updated by benny 01:03 PM ticket
Cannot make a secure SSL connection was updated by benny 12:27 PM ticket
Progress Indicator spinning forever was updated by benny
Monday Oct 21
ticket -
Progress Indicator spinning forever was updated by benny 09:40 AM ticket
mailmate crashes upon opening was updated by benny 09:22 AM ticket
mailmate crashes upon opening was updated by benny
Saturday Oct 19
ticket -
Still can't go online with a couple of accounts was updated by benny
Friday Oct 18
ticket -
mailmate crashes upon opening was updated by benny 07:00 AM ticket
Bulk Edit command
16 tickets affected:#62 #75 #102 #222 #347 #350 #394 #399 #406 #412 #421 #424 #428 #439 #442 #454
.Thursday Oct 17
bulk edit -
Possible to disable sound when a messages is sent?was updated by MartinTuesday Oct 15
ticket -
Print margins too narrow was updated by benny 03:16 PM ticket
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Mac OS X email client.