Error Message was updated by benny
Tuesday Oct 21
ticket -
Resize subscription windowwas updated by bennyMonday Oct 20
ticket -
Signatures was updated by benny 01:31 PM ticket
Stylesheetswas updated by benny 01:04 PM ticket -
Gmail message appear twice, identical copieswas updated by benny 12:53 PM ticket -
Gmail message appear twice, identical copies was updated by benny
Friday Oct 17
ticket -
Mailmate crashes while importing IMAP was updated by benny
Wednesday Oct 15
ticket -
Mailmate crashes while importing IMAP was updated by jesper (at noehr) 07:41 PM ticket
Mailmate crashes while importing IMAP was updated by jesper (at noehr) 07:08 PM ticket
Mailmate crashes while importing IMAP was updated by jesper (at noehr) 07:07 PM ticket
Mailmate crashes while importing IMAP was updated by benny 07:05 PM ticket
Mailmate crashes while importing IMAP was updated by benny 07:03 PM ticket
Mailmate crashes while importing IMAP was updated by jesper (at noehr) 07:01 PM ticket
Mailmate crashes while importing IMAP was updated by jesper (at noehr) 06:55 PM ticket
Mailmate crashes while importing IMAP was updated by benny 06:52 PM ticket
Mailmate crashes while importing IMAP was created by jesper (at noehr) 06:45 PM ticket
Bulk Edit command
59 tickets affected:state:fixcommitted
. 03:32 PM bulk edit -
Outbound SMTP was updated by benny 02:39 PM ticket
Outbound SMTP was updated by benny 02:22 PM ticket
Outbound SMTP was updated by benny 01:38 PM ticket
Outbound SMTP was updated by benny 01:06 PM ticket
Sending mail from different accounts was updated by benny
Tuesday Oct 14
ticket -
Mailmate very slow and syncing forever was updated by benny 07:35 AM ticket
Low frame rate scrolling large message list on Yosemite was updated by benny 07:31 AM ticket
Error Message was updated by benny
Monday Oct 13
ticket -
Remove previous recipients was updated by benny
Friday Oct 10
ticket -
Error Message was updated by benny 07:32 PM ticket
Low frame rate scrolling large message list on Yosemite was updated by Benjamin Stiglitz 03:32 PM ticket
Operations on senders from multiple mailswas updated by benny 06:58 AM ticket -
Error Message was updated by benny
Thursday Oct 09
ticket -
Low frame rate scrolling large message list on Yosemite was updated by benny 01:42 PM ticket
TCP Error was updated by benny 01:35 PM ticket
Error Message was updated by benny 01:19 PM ticket
Operations on senders from multiple mails was updated by benny 01:11 PM ticket
Evernote "Add with summary" adds plaintext version of mail was updated by benny 01:08 PM ticket
Yosemite List View Snap to Topwas updated by benny 07:50 AM ticket -
MailMate sometimes stops sending messages on Yosemite after a long time open was updated by benny
Wednesday Oct 08
ticket -
Low frame rate scrolling large messag... was created by Benjamin Stiglitz 02:24 AM ticket
Yosemite List View Snap to Topwas updated by bennyTuesday Oct 07
ticket -
Yosemite List View Snap to Topwas updated by benny 12:14 PM ticket -
feature request: address lookup from anywhere in the email addresswas updated by benny 11:35 AM ticket -
Upgrading to Mavericks, I had to uncheck the option to Enable 2.0 features was updated by benny 07:00 AM ticket
change browser used when clicking links?was updated by bennySunday Oct 05
ticket -
Send to OmniFocus not working in Yosemitewas updated by bennyFriday Oct 03
ticket -
Send to OmniFocus not working in Yosemitewas updated by benny 07:27 PM ticket -
Searching on Content-Type brokenwas updated by bennyThursday Oct 02
ticket -
Can't send emails using Google Apps Account with app specific password was updated by benny 07:02 AM ticket
change browser used when clicking links?was updated by benny 06:59 AM ticket -
Can't send emails using Google Apps Account with app specific password was updated by benny
Wednesday Oct 01
ticket -
Cursor Placement - Composerwas updated by benny 07:41 AM ticket
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Mac OS X email client.