mailmate crashes upon opening
Reported by Nik | October 3rd, 2013 @ 06:10 PM
Hi Benny,
Came in to work today and Mailmate crashes within about 20 seconds
of opening it. I can take all the accounts offline and that stops
it from crashing (but obviously isn't a good fix.) I've gone
through and enabled them one at a time, which works for a bit, but
there doesn't seem to be any rhyme or reason as to which one is
causing the crash. I've attached the crash report from Mac,
anything else you need to see? This is a registered version.
Comments and changes to this ticket
benny October 3rd, 2013 @ 06:56 PM
First try updating to the latest test release of MailMate: Hold down ⌥ when clicking “Check Now” in the Software Update preferences pane (r3747). Some rare issues have been fixed, but I'm not sure it covers your problem.
If it still crashes then launch MailMate from the Terminal like this:
Hopefully that'll provide some additional information about the crash.
By the way, I receive the crash reports automatically (you have allowed MailMate to do that).
Thanks in advance.
Nik October 3rd, 2013 @ 10:39 PM
Hi Benny,
I tried the Option/- hold down in Software Updates but that didn't work. I've attached the file from the Terminal command, let me know if I can get you anything else, and thanks!
Nik -
benny October 4th, 2013 @ 07:07 AM
I think you should try again holding down ⌥ when clicking “Check Now” in the Software Update preferences pane (r3747). It really should work.
But here is a direct link: http://updates.mailmate-app.com/archives/MailMate_r3747.tbz
If it doesn't help then you need to rebuild your database manually.
If you can think of any events leading up to this problem then it would be appreciated.
Nik October 9th, 2013 @ 05:16 PM
Hi Benny,
I did the update as well as downloading from the link, neither worked. I also rebuilt the database, but it's still crashing. Started happening on my home version (not just at work) as well. I'm stumped. Anything I can do to help you solve this?
Nik -
benny October 9th, 2013 @ 05:54 PM
Yes, please update to the most recent version and then run MailMate from the Terminal again:
Here is a direct link if needed: http://updates.mailmate-app.com/archives/MailMate_r3766.tbz
It's beginning to sound like it might be the problem described in ticket #455. Have you noticed any very long mailbox paths on the server? You may want to try some of the suggestions in that ticket including enabling additional debug output:
defaults write com.freron.MailMate MmDebugRecursiveName -bool YES
Thanks for offering to help me fix this problem.
Nik October 9th, 2013 @ 06:22 PM
Hi Benny,
Ok, did both of those. MM crashed again upon being opened from the Terminal, and when I open it again I see a bunch of "Truncating to match the size." as part of the Terminal messages.
I'm assuming you can still see the crash reports, let me know the next step to take.
Thanks Benny!
Nik -
benny October 9th, 2013 @ 06:34 PM
Yes, I get the crash reports. The “truncating” is just MailMate cleaning up after a crash (rolling the database back to a safe state). The interesting part is anything which is not the truncating statements. Could you check for that?
Nik October 9th, 2013 @ 06:46 PM
Hi Benny,
Ok, here's what's coming out of the Terminal report, is this what you wanted?Last login: Wed Oct 9 11:41:05 on ttys000 Nik-PT:~ paleotreats3$ /Applications/MailMate.app/Contents/MacOS/MailMate Warning: Size of file '/Users/paleotreats3/Library/Application Support/MailMate/Database.noindex/Headers/#parent-body-part.offsets' (464844) does not match size expected (460968). Truncating to match the size. ... open: Permission denied Unable to set attributes for new/updated file: '/Users/paleotreats3/Library/Application Support/MailMate/Messages/IMAP/nik%40paleotreats.com@cloud.paleotreats.com/INBOX.mailbox/Deleted Messages.mailbox/Messages/102377.eml' Abort trap: 6
benny October 9th, 2013 @ 07:01 PM
Yes, at least the last part was. This does not seem to be the same problem as ticket #455.
Does the file exist:
/Users/paleotreats3/Library/Application Support/MailMate/Messages/IMAP/nik%40paleotreats.com@cloud.paleotreats.com/INBOX.mailbox/Deleted Messages.mailbox/Messages/102377.eml
Or maybe
?Do you use any experimental features? For example, the Rules pane in the mailbox editor?
Nik October 9th, 2013 @ 07:18 PM
Hi Benny,
I don't see either of those, but I'm not sure how to search other than using Spotlight on my Macs. The filepath for the users/paleotreats3... doesn't exits, there's no "Library".I don't think I'm using any experimental features, I only recently switched over to MM, so haven't had a chance to explore it a bunch yet.
Nik -
benny October 9th, 2013 @ 07:27 PM
Sorry, the
folder is hidden in the Finder under recent versions of Mac OS X: http://www.macworld.com/article/1161156/view_library_folder_in_lion...I'll think about how to best debug this, but I'm afraid it's not going to be easy.
Based on the crash reports it seems MailMate is in the process of deleting messages from the local cache. Does that ring a bell? It might be part of MailMate synchronizing accounts.
Does MailMate crash if you take the machine offline?
Nik October 9th, 2013 @ 07:36 PM
Hi Benny,
Hmmm, is there a way to clear my local cache then? If I take all 3 accounts offline then MailMate doesn't crash.I did follow that file path and found that there are two nik@paleotreats.com accounts, one is on the cloud.paleotreats.com and one is with mail.paleotreats.com
That may have something to do with one being for sending and the other for receiving, although I set them both up according the suggested settings to be cloud.paleotreats.com
I've attached a screenshot.
benny October 9th, 2013 @ 07:42 PM
Hmm, maybe you renamed the IMAP server of the account at some point, but MailMate should be able to handle that (at least in theory). It should keep the old path name and then have the new server name in this file:
~/Library/Application Support/MailMate/Sources.plist
To answer your question: You can start all over by deleting this folder (this also deletes account settings and smart mailboxes):
~/Library/Application Support/MailMate/
But you wrote that MailMate also crashed on a secondary machine. It seems unlikely that the problem above is the same on the other machine (if that is what is triggering the bug).
Nik October 9th, 2013 @ 08:20 PM
Ok, so I tried removing that folder and then relaunching MM. It crashed again within about 30 seconds. This is going to be a fun investigation! :) What else could I look for or send you?
Nik October 10th, 2013 @ 12:33 AM
Also, MailMate stopped crashing on my home computer, so it's down to just one computer.
Nik -
benny October 10th, 2013 @ 07:32 AM
Please recheck that the folder was removed. It really should make MailMate start over completely. Just to be clear, it is this folder I'm talking about:
/Users/paleotreats3/Library/Application Support/MailMate/
I guess we'll assume that the issue on the other computer was a different one (which makes sense). Let me know if that returns.
Nik October 11th, 2013 @ 12:50 AM
Hi Benny,
So I checked the folder was removed from the work computer, and it wasn't when I went back in, so I removed it and started MailMate again. That didn't work.I then deleted MailMate from my system entirely and re-downloaded it from the link you gave above. I went to import my 3 email accounts (2 Gmail and one business) and was able to load up one of the Gmail accounts with no problem, but when I loaded the second MailMate crashed. I removed the source for the second and then tried loading my business (@paleotreats.com) account, and MailMate crashed again.
Not sure what else I can do, any suggestions?
Nik -
benny October 11th, 2013 @ 07:02 AM
When you write “That didn't work”, it means that MailMate did start over, but that it crashed when adding one of the accounts?
The fact that you can start over and still reproduce the issue is actually good news. It means that it might be easier to debug the issue. (It also means that I'm pretty sure I currently have no other users with this problem.)
First of all: Can you reproduce the issue adding a single account?
Note that after adding an account you should wait until it is fully synchronized, that is, until all spinners have stopped. Otherwise, we don't really know which account triggers the bug.
You can also disable the debug variable I provided earlier on. This is unrelated:
defaults write com.freron.MailMate MmDebugRecursiveName -bool NO
Thanks for your patience!
Nik October 11th, 2013 @ 04:57 PM
Hi Benny,
Sorry, when I said "That didn't work" I meant that MailMate crashed again. I've just downloaded MailMate again and am loading up the first Gmail account now. It loaded fine yesterday. I'll report back if I load another account and it crashes.
Nik -
Nik October 11th, 2013 @ 06:05 PM
Ok, so I loaded up my first Gmail account and everything worked fine. Upon loading the second one (I used the settings given by Gmail for IMAP & SMTP), it crashed within about 30 seconds. I removed the source for the second Gmail account and tried loading my business account, and MailMate crashed again. What should I test next?
benny October 11th, 2013 @ 10:17 PM
Two things to try to narrow down the problem:
Start over again (sorry) and then only add the second account. If it crashes MailMate then the problem “size” is reduced a bit. Next step would then be to start over again, but add the account using “File ▸ Add IMAP Account”. This allows you to use the “Edit Subscriptions” button before adding the account. You can then unsubscribe all but a few mailboxes before adding the account. If it synchronizes then you can edit subscriptions again and add a few more. The goal would be to locate a mailbox that triggers the crash. (If this is possible.)
You are still welcome to launch MailMate from the Terminal in order to catch any crash related output:
Nik October 11th, 2013 @ 10:44 PM
Hi Benny,
Ok, I tried loading up my 2nd Gmail account and got an error message: "Too many simultaneous connections." It hasn't crashed (yet) but it's not loading anything either. I attached a snapshot of the error message.I then loaded up my business account (@paleotreats) and got this in the Terminal:
Nik-PT:~ paleotreats3$ /Applications/MailMate.app/Contents/MacOS/MailMate
Warning: IMAP connection terminated during action (1004).
Warning: IMAP connection terminated during action (1006).
Problems while parsing reported for one or more messages. Details can be found in
/tmp/mailmate_logs/mailmate_parser_problems.log open: Permission denied
Unable to set attributes for new/updated file: '/Users/paleotreats3/Library/Application Support/MailMate/Messages/IMAP/nik%40paleotreats.com@mail.paleotreats.com/INBOX.mailbox/Deleted Messages.mailbox/Messages/72.eml'
Abort trap: 6Then MM crashed. Narrowing it down! :)
benny October 12th, 2013 @ 05:56 AM
Unfortunately the “Too many simultaneous connections” means exactly what it says. You have multiple email clients connected to the account and you have reached a gmail limit. This is unrelated to the crashes :-(
It is worth noting that in one of your earlier attempts MailMate crashed with this message:
/Users/paleotreats3/Library/Application Support/MailMate/Messages/IMAP/nik%40paleotreats.com@cloud.paleotreats.com/INBOX.mailbox/Deleted Messages.mailbox/Messages/102377.eml
Now it crashes with:
/Users/paleotreats3/Library/Application Support/MailMate/Messages/IMAP/nik%40paleotreats.com@mail.paleotreats.com/INBOX.mailbox/Deleted Messages.mailbox/Messages/72.eml
That could be the same message except it seems to be different accounts (cloud vs mail). But I cannot really see how a single message can trigger the bug.
Is there anything unusual about any of the mailbox names?
You could try to start over (delete everything), add one of the accounts above, but unsubscribe “Deleted Messages” initially (follow my previous instructions with respect to how to do that).
Nik October 18th, 2013 @ 03:32 AM
Hi Benny,
Hey, stoked to hear you're going to try and take this full time. You can do it, totally fired up that you're going for it!Ok, I've deleted "everything" a couple of times (dragged the app into the trashed, restarted the computer), but each time I re-download the MailMate app it recognizes that I've already got a license and then when I start loading email accounts it crashes.
I'm running it on both my home & work computers off the same license; I don't think that's a problem, is it? Mailmate on my home computer works fine, but MM on the work computer keeps crashing.
Is there a way to completely delete everything (beyond what I've been doing) to do with MailMate so my work computer thinks it's never seen it before? I'm running on a Mac, so anything specific to that would be helpful.
Nik -
benny October 18th, 2013 @ 07:00 AM
It's actually the other way around. I've been working full time on MailMate, but I can no longer afford to do so. (No one is to blame for that but myself.)
You can delete everything by deleting this folder:
~/Library/Application Support/MailMate/
And this file:
But I doubt that the file has anything to do with the crash. Did you try narrowing down the problem to a particular account/mailbox? Did you get any output from running MailMate from the Terminal:
Oh, and don't waste time re-downloading MailMate. It won't make a difference.
Nik October 18th, 2013 @ 11:10 PM
Hi Benny,
Ok, you're probably going to get a couple crash reports, I'm going through the mailboxes one at a time. :) I didn't start it from Terminal for the first few, but I'll go back and do it again so you can see the full readout.
Nik -
Nik October 18th, 2013 @ 11:58 PM
Hi Benny,
Ok, went through all the subscriptions and attached all files here, along with some screenshots to give you the biggest picture possible. Let me know what else I can do. This is from my Work account, and it crashed a bunch, so we can start here. :)
Nik -
benny October 19th, 2013 @ 08:03 AM
This is really weird :-) It would make more sense if all mailboxes crashed.
I suggest you start over (again) and only subscribe to one of the crashing mailboxes. Pick the smallest one to make it easier/quicker for the crash to occur. When it's as simple as possible then I probably have to create a debug version of MailMate generating some additional output.
Is there anything special about the disk you use? Formatted differently? Non-standard file permissions?
Nik October 19th, 2013 @ 03:02 PM
Hi Benny,
We'll get it.Not sure what you mean re. only subscribing to one of the crashing mailboxes; each one of those files is the Terminal output from one specific subscription, and they all relate to only one IMAP account. If you look at "example-of-subscription-boxes.png" above it's a screenshot from the last subscription I checked. If I uncheck all the server side boxes it won't save it that way, it'll automatically revert to some other configuration. Hmm, maybe that's a clue?
There isn't anything special about the disk, this is a pretty standard Mac OS X 10.8.5 with a 3.6 GHz Intel Core i5 and 8 GB of RAM.
The only thing I think I've ever done with file permissions is occasionally verify & repair them. I don't remember if I did that immediately prior to MM starting to crash, but I don't think so.
benny October 21st, 2013 @ 09:22 AM
Maybe the server does not allow you to unsubscribe all mailboxes server side. But it's fine to do client side. The main point is to make the setup in MailMate as simple as possible while still generating the crash. Ideally: Only a single mailbox is synchronized and that mailbox should contain as few messages as possible. And preferably this should be with a clean start where no other mailboxes have ever been synchronized.
It's much easier to debug if the problem size is small.
Nik October 21st, 2013 @ 05:37 PM
Hi Benny,
Ok, that's what all those files represent. That's from only one account, and then each report (either Crash or OK) represents just the one mailbox inside that account. The mailboxes are:
-Archive (crash) -Deleted messages (crash) -Drafts (OK) -INBOX (crash) -Junk (OK) -Sent (crash) -Sent Messages (OK) -spam (OK) -Trash (OK)The smallest box that crashed is probably "Sent".
Nik -
Nik November 7th, 2013 @ 11:09 PM
Hi Benny,
Did that last message make sense? Hope all's going well with your crowdfund!
Nik -
Nik November 12th, 2013 @ 03:09 AM
Hi Benny,
Ok, my home account is now crashing upon opening as well now. I got a message today at the home computer to rebuild from a cache (or something like that) so I did. It took about an hour, then it crashed. Have not been able to open it since. -
benny November 12th, 2013 @ 07:35 AM
Sorry for the lack of replies. (I've been a bit busy with the crowd funding effort -- and still am.)
First, let's assume it is the same issue on both machines. Next, are you still able to reproduce the problem on the machine where only 1 mailbox is subscribed. I still think we need to reduce the problem to being as small as possible.
Also, to make sure we know why it's crashing now, could you launch from the Terminal:
If you need to start over completely then delete/move this folder:
~/Library/Application Support/MailMate/
Then when adding an account, use “Edit Subscriptions” to subscribe to as few mailboxes as possible. Wait until MailMate is fully synchronized before adding more mailboxes (using “Edit Subscriptions” again via “File ▸ Edit IMAP Account ▸ ...”.
benny March 12th, 2014 @ 11:02 AM
Ticket #666 might now contain the answer to this riddle... (If you use antivirus software.)
Nik March 12th, 2014 @ 05:13 PM
Hi Benny,
Thanks for thinking of me! I did have antivirus software installed when I was using MM but have since pulled it off; it caused more problems than it prevented. I'll take a look at this and see if I can get MM to work again. Cheers! -Nik
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Mac OS X email client.
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