#1639 new
Robert Brenstein

send as new message - bug handling the subject

Reported by Robert Brenstein | January 13th, 2017 @ 04:26 PM

This happened several times by now, so I am fairly sure that it is some glitch in MM.

  • I select an existing message (in the sent mailbox, but I suspect that this is irrelevant)
  • I tell MM to Send As New Message
  • I edit the msg body as desired, leaving the subject and recipients as they were

When I click send, I get a dialog asking me "Do you wan to send a reply with a new subject?"

This happens ONLY if the subject has German characters. It seems to be an encoding issue.
Apparently, the original subject is changed from UTF to Mac or ISO charset before comparison.
I am sending you screenshots thru email, so you can clearly see what I mean.

Screenshot 1 -- the original message selected, so you can see its subject
Screenshot 2 -- the message window with the dialog, so you can see what became of the original subject

Comments and changes to this ticket

  • benny

    benny January 16th, 2017 @ 09:31 AM

    • State changed from “new” to “cantreproduce”

    I couldn't recreate this behavior using an email created by MailMate (with German and Danish characters in the Subject). Could you find an example and then use ⌥⌘U to provide me with the raw Subject header. I think that is all I need to make sure I can reproduce the issue.

    Thanks in advance.

  • Robert Brenstein

    Robert Brenstein January 16th, 2017 @ 01:03 PM

    Here is the top portion of what is shown by opt-cmd-u:

    <removed to protect email addresses>

    Update 2:

    Herr Mihahn responded to my inquiry [...]

  • benny

    benny January 16th, 2017 @ 02:45 PM

    If you select this message and then use “Message ▸ Edit as New Message” you get the warning when sending?

    I cannot reproduce that. Does the Subject appear to be correct in the composer window before trying to send? (I cannot see that in the screenshots.)

  • Robert Brenstein

    Robert Brenstein January 16th, 2017 @ 02:52 PM

    Yes, if I select this message and then use “Message ▸ Edit as New Message”, I get the warning when sending.
    Yes, the Subject appears to be correct in the composer window before trying to send.

  • benny

    benny January 16th, 2017 @ 02:57 PM

    I guess I'll have to try again. Could you send me the message using “Message ▸ Forward as Attachment” (to mm-feedback)? I'll delete the headers you posted in this ticket to make sure they are not scraped by spammers.

  • Robert Brenstein

    Robert Brenstein January 16th, 2017 @ 03:14 PM

    I might have figured it out:

    I just realized that the funky characters are reported for the "Original subject" not the current subject. You are looking at the current subject.

    This is an ongoing exchange with mails sent to several people in various combinations of To and CC addresses. I just noticed that emails from one person in the group have those funky characters in the subject. I just backtracked my contributions and realized that at some point I replied to an email from that person, apparently correcting the subject's spelling (on auto-pilot I guess). I then used Edit as New Message to sent a new mail email out, then used again Edit as New Message on that last email. MM seems to remember the original post with the funky chars, hence the warning even though the starter message looks fine.

  • benny

    benny January 17th, 2017 @ 12:34 PM

    • State changed from “cantreproduce” to “closed”

    Thanks for the details. It makes sense. I'm not going to make it a high priority to improve this since it should be a pretty rare issue.

    Note that if you reply to a sent message then MailMate automatically creates a follow up message, that is, it does not swap sender/recipient. That's only useful if a follow-up message is what you are actually trying to do :)

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