#3330 new
Tom Scogland

Manipulate a header entry representing tags - or modify messages

Reported by Tom Scogland | February 21st, 2024 @ 10:46 PM

I've just run down the rabbit hole once more on trying to support a multi-client tagging workflow with Office365 in the middle. The results were a bit different this time than every other time I've tried since ~2014 though. As things sit now, I can set "categories" that show up as a Keywords: header in the message in outlook online (largely don't care about this client, but nice that it actually renders it and manipulates it). That's also supported in things like mu4e, I think MailTags, etc. With smart mailboxes they even render pretty well in MailMate, though a way to actually have them appear the same as tags would be great.

I think I understand the original decision to go with IMAP keywords, it's what I would have done to avoid having to upload and re-download the darned message everywhere, but those of us irrevocably trapped in the great pit of despair (Exchange) are a bit stuck when it comes to tags.

All of that to say, it looks like it would be possible to get a working cross-client synced tag workflow across exchange with either:
* A way to natively modify a header to contain the tags/keywords, or * a way to modify the message contents in a bundle to implement the above (https://freron.lighthouseapp.com/projects/58672/tickets/1466-way-to...)

The second would also make certain auto-filing workflows much easier to do programmatically, which would be cool, but honestly I'm mostly just hoping for any way to be able to use tags.

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  • benny

    benny August 23rd, 2024 @ 12:26 PM

    Do you have a reference to how the Keywords: header works? Is this something that works with Office365/Outlook in general, that is, if MailMate re-uploads a message with this header then it'll show up in other email clients?

    I'm not saying I'll implement it if it does :) (It would be horribly inefficient to re-upload on every tag-change.)

    MailMate does, by the way, have a bit of support for changing a header (see the “Command > MailMate > Change Subject” command).

    (Sorry about the delay. Going through old spam-marked tickets.)

  • Mike

    Mike August 24th, 2024 @ 02:18 PM

    I may not have understood it correctly, but: DavMail is an IMAP/SMTP/*DAV/LADAP to Exchange gateway that you install locally on your computer. This allows you to talk to the Exchange server via IMAP using DavMail via Exchange. DavMail also transfers IMAP keywords to Exchange Categories (and vice versa). This works perfectly.

    Preside for iOS also uses IMAP keywords for tags. But I've never used it because I only use Android. Unfortunately, I have not yet found a mail client for Android that supports tagging via IMAP keywords.


  • benny

    benny August 27th, 2024 @ 11:09 AM

    @Mike: Thanks for the update on how DavMail works. It's great if this is a robust alternative.

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