#2417 new
Stacey Marshall

Thread e-mails based on thread-topic

Reported by Stacey Marshall | October 25th, 2019 @ 12:04 PM

Hi Benny,

Phabricator is sending me some awkward mails with subjects that don't appear to thread well in MailMate.
The native Mail.App and Thunderbird are working just fine.

As an example of the subjects:

   [Name-of-account] [Product Reviews] [Updated] [++++++-] D30: 12345 review
   [Name-of-account] [Product Reviews] [Request] [+ ] D30: 12345 review
   [Name-of-account] [Product Reviews] [Commented On] D30: 12345 review

It seems that each mail has a Thread-topic which is consistent. Thus to work around I've created a Smart Mailbox with the following settings:

  • Conditions
    • X-Phabiricator-Sent-This-Message exists.
  • SubMailBoxes

    • [X] Submailbox for each unique value of Thread-Topic

      • [ ] Unless only one submailboc will be created
      • Mailbox name format

        ${Subject/(.* )(D[0-9]+:.*)/$2/}

- MailMate format string syntax - [MlMt] Custom Search: remember search settings - subject:\"Re\\: \[MlMt\] Submailboxes for partial subject\"

Comments and changes to this ticket

  • Stacey Marshall

    Stacey Marshall October 25th, 2019 @ 03:21 PM

    Subtle correction to Mailbox name format, the variable name does not begin with a capital letter (worked with some oddly, but not all!)

      ${subject/(.* )(D[0-9]+:.*)/$2/}

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