#850 new
Tom Scogland

Feature request: X-GM-THRID and/or MSGID IMAP properties

Reported by Tom Scogland | July 12th, 2014 @ 04:03 PM


I know this is a Gmail specific feature, and thus may not be sufficiently worthwhile, but if possible it would be great to have the X-GM-THRID and or MSGID available for messages. There are two specific use-cases, really two sides of one, that would make this helpful.

1) Storing the permanent link to a message in the Gmail web interface, iOS application, or other Google property, converting the hex-coded thread id from there into the base 10 version from the IMAP X-GM-THRID field and searching for it in MailMate to locate the same thread.
2) Storing the X-GM-THRID from MailMate into tasks, calendar entries, and other linked properties in the "Commands" list so that the links can be used on iOS, Android, windows or other properties where MailMate is unavailable.

At present I do this by getting the online IDs to embed appropriate links to the web, mobile web, and iOS gmail applications in my OmniFocus tasks, but having it as an integrated option would be incredibly useful.

Comments and changes to this ticket

  • benny

    benny July 12th, 2014 @ 08:39 PM

    • State changed from “new” to “accepted”

    I've already considered doing this, but I think you are the first to actually request it. I'm not a big fan of Gmail-specific customizations, but this one would be relatively benign. Not sure how hard it would be to do though since I haven't looked into the specifics.

    I am, by the way, pretty sure I succeeded in the past creating a link to Gmail based on the Message-ID of a message, but I cannot seem to find that right now (it was a bit non-trivial as far as I recall).

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