#3390 new
Ed Cottrell

Disable, allowlist, or apply rules relevant to "potential spoofing"

Reported by Ed Cottrell | September 5th, 2024 @ 01:01 PM

I regularly get an email with a "From" header value matching this pattern:

"[First Name] @ [Company]" <[first name]@[company's domain]>

MailMate, appropriately, sees the first "@" as potential spoofing and displays the header with a warning emoji in its place:

[First Name] ⚠️ [Company] <[first name]@[company's domain]>

But I know this sender and am 0% concerned about these messages. Is there any feature I can use to allowlist/ignore this sender, apply a rule to mark it safe, or otherwise let it display as it was written, without disabling the "potential spoofing" feature altogether?


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