#3389 accepted

HTML mail shows white background where Apple Mail (in dark mode) shows a black background

Reported by mailmate-user | September 3rd, 2024 @ 06:17 AM

I'm tempted to migrate to MailMate as it's impossible to use GPG properly on Apple Mail on newer macOS versions (and gpgtools.org is not making any progress). Started the trial and immediately noticed that in dark mode, MailMate shows HTML mails that have a white background (or perhaps also when no background color is defined in the mail). Apple Mail does not show a white background. I must be doing something clever.

Have tested the various themes and options but it does not change the behavior. Preferring "text only" is an option and does show the mail in dark mode, but then I lose HTML formatting which is not ideal.

I'm on version 1.14 (5937).

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  • mailmate-user

    mailmate-user September 3rd, 2024 @ 06:21 AM

    Found a link to version 6062, tested that, behavior is the same.

  • benny

    benny September 3rd, 2024 @ 10:03 AM

    • State changed from “new” to “accepted”

    Right now, MailMate does not have code to force HTML emails into dark mode. Currently, MailMate behaves like a browser which means it shows the HTML as it is. I'm aware that most emails could likely easily be forced into dark mode. The problem is when it doesn't work well. I'm pretty sure Apple Mail still shows some emails with a white background which means that there is some kind of heuristic deciding what to do.

    (I don't oppose this feature, but I first need to make some changes to make themes more useful and then that is likely also going to make it easier to “solve” this issue.)

    You have already found the “Prefer Plain Text” feature. It might work well enough for you if you learn the shortcut to switch to HTML (in the “View > Message Body Parts” menu).

    Thanks for considering MailMate.

  • David

    David September 12th, 2024 @ 10:58 AM

    "Currently, MailMate behaves like a browser"

    It would be good to have something like "Dark Reader" [1]. The ThunderBird email client also supports this.


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Mac OS X email client.

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