#3378 new
Steve Mayer

Spamsieve score removed after rule execution

Reported by Steve Mayer | July 12th, 2024 @ 09:55 PM

I have a rule set up on the Junk mailbox that upon new items appearing there, checks to see if the SpamSieve score is 51 or greater. if it is, it applies the Junk tag/keyword. This all works great except for the fact that the SpamSieve score then is removed from the column. If I highlight a message, right-click then Junk State -> SpamSieve -> Recompute Score, the score will then show up in the SpamSieve score column.

Thoughts on this one?


Comments and changes to this ticket

  • benny

    benny August 23rd, 2024 @ 12:04 PM

    Removing the score is done intentionally because explicitly setting the Junk flag “manually” is interpreted as the message 100% being junk.

    MailMate should automatically mark messages as junk if they were moved to Junk mailbox after being analyzed by SpamSieve. You don't need a rule for that. Is this not working? (And in this special case the score is not cleared.)

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