#3345 ✓closed
Mark Scott

Smart Mailbox for unarchived email

Reported by Mark Scott | March 21st, 2024 @ 08:44 PM

Is there a smart mailbox condition that would allow me to filter All Messages which have not been archived? (I would then run rules to conditionally archive from All Messages and export from IMAP to DevonThink.)


Comments and changes to this ticket

  • benny

    benny August 23rd, 2024 @ 12:13 PM

    • State changed from “new” to “closed”

    No, I guess you could setup a custom key binding to both archive and tag messages when moving them DevonThink. Then you would be able to use this tag to identify what has not been archived. But that won't work for older messages.

    I'll make a note about maybe making all bundle-archive-commands set a tag.

    (Sorry about the delay. Going through old spam-marked tickets.)

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