#3290 new

Can Mailmate autocomplete using Exchange Global Address List?

Reported by Methusalem | October 25th, 2023 @ 02:45 PM

Ive been trying to get Mailmate to use my Global Address List in my Exchange account, when autocompleting the addressee bar, but so far I have no luck.

My MacOS Contacts app has a directory called 'Exchange Global Address List', and when I select this directory in the Contacts app, I can find people from that list. However, when I search under 'All Contacts', in the Contacts app, these names no longer appear.

From within Mailmate, I don't seem to be able to search the GAL (Global Address List). It doesn't work as autocomplete in the addressee bar, but also not when I click the address book symbol in the compose window.

This is kind of a dealbreaker, as far as the usability of Mailmate is concerned.

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