#3275 accepted
Phoebe Sengers

Feature request: Default send later times

Reported by Phoebe Sengers | September 13th, 2023 @ 03:05 PM

I really appreciate the ability in Mailmate to send a message later. A feature I would love to have is the capability to send a default time window for a particular mailbox. Specifically, I would like to support that messages in my work inbox are by default scheduled to go out between M-F 9am and 5pm, and if I compose an email after hours it would by default have its "Send Later" time scheduled for the next workday at 9am. I try to do this manually right now but I regularly forget.

Thank you for your hard work on this very helpful mail program.

Comments and changes to this ticket

  • benny

    benny August 27th, 2024 @ 02:00 PM

    • State changed from “new” to “accepted”

    I understand the use case and I've noted this request with my list of future changes to the send later feature. No promises though.

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Mac OS X email client.

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