{ name = "Wide Correspondence"; rootViewer = { viewerType = "MmSplitView"; orientation = "horizontal"; children = ( { viewerType = "MmBoxView"; orientation = "vertical"; defaultSize = 200; minWidth = 100; autoresize = 0; toggleMenuTitle = "Mailboxes"; toggleKeyEquivalent = "^~@d"; dragRect = { width = 16.0; height = 16.0; location = "bottomRight"; }; children = ( { identifier = "mailboxesOutline"; viewerType = "MmMailboxesOutlineView"; stickyMessages = 1; }, { viewerType = "MmMailboxesStatusBar"; }, ); }, { viewerType = "MmSplitView"; orientation = "vertical"; collapsibleSubview = 2; // Incomplete support -- no way to get it back (1 = first, 2 = last) children = ( { identifier = "pathOutlineBox"; viewerType = "MmBoxView"; orientation = "vertical"; defaultSize = 250; autoresize = 0; children = ( { identifier = "pathControl"; viewerType = "MmPathControlView"; sources = ( { sourceIdentifier = "mailboxesOutline"; } ); }, { identifier = "mainOutline"; viewerType = "MmMessagesOutlineView"; // columnSettings = "outlineColumns"; // Keeps selected messages in the view even if they no longer match the main query // sources = ( { sourceIdentifier = "mainOutline"; }, { sourceIdentifier = "pathControl"; } ); sources = ( { sourceIdentifier = "pathControl"; } ); minHeight = 50; }, ); }, { viewerType = "MmBoxView"; orientation = "vertical"; defaultSize = 200; autoresize = 0; children = ( { viewerType = "MmLabelView"; label = "Correspondence"; }, { identifier = "correspondenceOutline"; viewerType = "MmMessagesOutlineView"; minWidth = 100; sources = ( { sourceIdentifier = "mainOutline"; } ); selectionSources = ( { sourceIdentifier = "mainOutline"; } ); // FIXME: The transformation does not work 'per' message, i.e., it tries to combine any 'from' with any 'to' in $mainOutline. transformation = "$ALL_MESSAGES.filter((from.address = $mainOutline.from.address and #recipient.address = $mainOutline.#recipient.address) or (from.address = $mainOutline.#recipient.address and #recipient.address = $mainOutline.from.address))"; defaultColumns = ( "subject", "relativeDate" ); outlineColumn = "subject"; }, ); toggleMenuTitle = "Correspondence View"; toggleKeyEquivalent = "^~@c"; }, ); }, { viewerType = "MmBoxView"; orientation = "vertical"; children = ( { identifier = "tagsEditor"; viewerType = "MmTagsEditor"; sources = ( { sourceIdentifier = "correspondenceOutline"; } ); }, { viewerType = "MmMultiMessageView"; identifier = "messageView"; minHeight = 150; minWidth = 250; sources = ( { sourceIdentifier = "correspondenceOutline"; } ); }, ); toggleMenuTitle = "Message View"; toggleKeyEquivalent = "^~@h"; } ); }; }