# # this file gets executed by every shell you start # # make sure the path is correct set path=(. \ ./bin \ ./Apps \ ~ \ ~/bin \ ~/Apps \ /LocalApps \ /usr/local/bin \ /usr/local/Apps \ /usr/Carbon/bin \ /usr/bin \ /usr/sbin \ /usr/Apps \ /bin \ /sbin \ /Apps \ /System/Administration \ /System/Developer/Applications \ /Developer/Tools \ /Developer/usr/bin \ /usr/ucb \ /etc \ /Volumes/Sulu/Scotty/Programming\ Tools/Other\ Tools/bin \ ) # setup umask to something reasonable umask 022 # make the prompt palatable if( ${?prompt} ) then # set host=`hostname` # set prompt="\ # ${host}[\!]> " set prompt="\ {%n@%m:%c1}[\!]%# " set promptchars="%#" endif set history=50 # # put aliases and other things down here # alias ls ls -aFT alias mail /usr/ucb/Mail alias h history alias j jobs alias u users alias mkdirs mkdir -p alias pcd pushd alias ppd popd alias en0up sudo ifconfig en0 inet up alias really sudo alias tarzup tar -cpzPXf alias untarz tar -xzf alias tarup tar -cpPXf alias untar tar -xf alias vers ~/bin/Version alias srcgrep ~/bin/srcgrep alias bundlefy /System/Developer/Makefiles/pb_makefiles/convertBundle alias pbxbuilddebug pbxbuild -buildstyle Development UNSTRIPPED_PRODUCT=YES alias pbxbuildinstall sudo pbxbuild -buildstyle Development UNSTRIPPED_PRODUCT=YES install alias cdEDOXPDE 'cd /Volumes/Sulu/Spock/Projects/Code/EDOX\ PDE/' alias cdPrintMe 'cd /Volumes/Sulu/Spock/Projects/PrintMeMicroDriver/' alias setupleaks 'setenv MallocStackLogging 1 ; setenv MallocHeapLogging 1' alias unsetleaks 'unsetenv MallocStackLogging ; unsetenv MallocHeapLogging' #$$$ # These no longer do the job, since the bootstrap lookup doesn't work right. # until there's a more general-purpose fix, I use Jim Magee's tool. # alias startats 'sudo /System/Library/CoreServices/StartATSServer' # alias restartats 'sudo /System/Library/CoreServices/StartATSServer -r --args rebuild all' alias startats 'sudo /Volumes/Metron/bin/StartupItemContext /System/Library/CoreServices/StartATSServer' alias restartats 'sudo /Volumes/Metron/bin/StartupItemContext /System/Library/CoreServices/StartATSServer -r --args rebuild all' # # Define environmental variables # setenv EDITOR '/usr/bin/bbedit --wait ' setenv SVNREPOS svn+ssh://mail.crystalmaker.com/Users/Shared/SVN/Repositories # # Enable lookahead typing.... # set filec=1 set autolist=1 set complete="enhance" set addsuffix set autocorrect set autoexpand set matchbeep="notunique"