#2101 new
Stephen Chong

Feature request: key bindings to add an address to the to field, cc field, etc.

Reported by Stephen Chong | September 17th, 2018 @ 10:16 PM

Key bindings that have the ability to add a specified address to the to field, cc field, and bcc fields would be useful. (I use key bindings for various canned replies that I need; some of the canned replies need to be cc'ed to particular addresses, which I currently manually add.)

Comments and changes to this ticket

  • benny

    benny September 20th, 2018 @ 09:56 AM

    • State changed from “new” to “accepted”

    I guess a variant of insertText: could be implemented allowing something like:

    ( "insertHeader:", "to", "first@example.com, second@example.com" );

    I'll consider that. I'm not quite sure it's the right way to solve this kind of request...

    (If implemented like this then a clearHeader: variant would likely also be useful.)

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