#1536 ✓cantreproduce
Gregory Silverman

Flagged mail not showing up

Reported by Gregory Silverman | September 23rd, 2016 @ 03:16 PM

I use Spark on the iPhone. This app allows you to "pin" email you want to work with later. Email that is pinned is actually flagged. These flagged emails show up in Apple Mail under its Flagged mail folder, but do not show up in the smart mailbox labelled flagged or starred in MailMate. Is this a problem with MailMate or something on my end? Please advise.

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  • benny

    benny September 23rd, 2016 @ 07:57 PM

    Given that it works in Apple Mail indicates that it's a MailMate issue.

    Try enabling the “Raw Flags” column in the message list. Look out
    for \Flagged which is the likely value used for this.

    If it doesn't show up then try using “Message ▸ Reset...” on a
    single pinned/flagged message. Does that help it update?

  • Gregory Silverman

    Gregory Silverman September 24th, 2016 @ 06:16 AM

    There were no messages under Raw Flags that displayed \Flagged. Resetting did not change this. What should I try next?

  • benny

    benny October 3rd, 2016 @ 01:58 PM

    Sorry about the late reply.

    That's very strange. We can try generating some logs like this:

    • Open the Activity Viewer (⌥⌘0).
    • Reset the message again to make it re-arrive.
    • Wait for it to arrive.
    • Use “Help ▸ Send Server Logs”.

    Then I can see if the server reports it having a flag.

  • benny

    benny October 3rd, 2016 @ 02:00 PM

    • State changed from “new” to “cantreproduce”

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