#3296 ✓resolved
Pierre Igot

Regression: Text color not inverting when selecting an item

Reported by Pierre Igot | November 12th, 2023 @ 01:35 PM

Since the revamp of the message colouring system, moving from support for the hidden feature with Styles.plist to a Color option for mailboxes that can apply to their message list, we seem to have lost support for the proper inverting scheme when a given colored message is selected in the message list. Regardless of what the text color is for the message in the message list, when the message is selected in the list, the selection highlighting is the default accent colour, but the text itself stays in its original color, which poses serious readability issues for many colors.

This was discussed in Ticket #3147 and back then, Benny restored older code that would systematically use the message's own color as selection highlighting for the selected line AND invert the colored text itself to white. I believe that is still the right way to proceed here, even if it means a mishmash of selection highlighting colors when several messages are selected at the same time.

Now that message coloring is an integral part of the MailMate mailbox user interface, I believe this issue should be settled by reverting to the text color inverting to white and the selection highlighting being the color of the underlying message color in the list.

I have tested a few older builds (from earlier in the fall) and they suffer from the same flaw. So I am not sure exactly when the regression was introduced. Possibly right when support for Styles.plist was abandoned.


Comments and changes to this ticket

  • Pierre Igot

    Pierre Igot November 20th, 2023 @ 02:28 AM

    For the record, things are still inverted properly (i.e. with the message colour used for highlighting and white for the text) in Version 1.14 (5937). So the regression happened later.

  • Pierre Igot

    Pierre Igot February 26th, 2024 @ 02:47 PM

    For those of you who are affected by this issue, if you use MailMate’s built-in colour feature to colour mailboxes and their contents, there is actually a hidden preference in MailMate that switches from the default scheme for selected/highlighted messages in the message list to a scheme where the background colour used for highlighting selected messages, instead of being the default accent colour for MM, is the colour of the selected message and the text of the selected message is inverted (to white):

    defaults write com.freron.MailMate MmMessagesOutlineViewColorInversionEnabled -bool YES

    (Probably requires a relaunch.)

  • benny

    benny February 27th, 2024 @ 08:22 AM

    • State changed from “new” to “resolved”

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