#3183 new
Robert Brenstein

status icons in message lists

Reported by Robert Brenstein | January 16th, 2023 @ 04:32 PM

I read in other tickets, for example #2992, that you switched to using SF symbols from Apple for icons in MM. This is fine. There is, however, strong visual discrepancy between mailbox icons in the left column, the mailbox list, which are fine-lined in gray tones and have no fills, whereas the status icons and flags in the mailbox lists are bigger in relation and solid filled, which makes them appear even bigger. I am talking about symbols indicating that mail message is unread, replied to, forwarded, has flag, etc.

This was raised in the mailing list last August (I was many versions of MM behind until recently), but I see no ticket related to this.

Apple documentation
states that you can adjust the display of those icons. Maybe instead of Monochrome you could use the Hierarchical rendering mode with smaller weight and scale for the status icons. The size in version like 5657 was about right.

It would also be great if you let us, I mean the users, to choose whether we prefer outline or fill variants, allowing us to set this directly in the plist file (preferences GUI could be added later). Even better if you could also allow us to set the weight. These two settings would let us produce optimal results for our eyesight and the display used.

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