#2286 new
Gerald Grow

Re-opening issue on: “Server response: “I11 BAD [TOOBIG] Message too large."

Reported by Gerald Grow | March 15th, 2019 @ 01:46 PM

I am having the same problem reported in ticket 1802:

In a Google Apps email-account I get this error approximately every 10 mins:

"MailMate encountered the following error: “Server response: “I11 BAD [TOOBIG] Message too large. https://support.google.com/mail/answer/6584#limit”.”. Mailbox: “[Gmail]/Drafts”."

I have gone through all the steps I can locate without being able to resolve this issue, including your recommendations about sorting messages. There is no large message in Drafts, and I cannot find one that is obviously defective. Indeed, I wonder if the message is pointing to the problem. Or if there is a problem.

As far as I can tell, Apple Mail does not report a problem. Apps on my android phone (Gmail, TypeApp) have no trouble handling this mail and do not hang with a "message too large" error or any other one.

Is there a way to ignore the problem and keep using the email account?

At present the only option I see is to keep seeing these pop-up error messages every few minutes, or to take my main business email account offline, disabling access to it.

Thanks for any help you can provide.

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  • benny

    benny March 15th, 2019 @ 05:17 PM

    The other email clients are not reporting the problem because only MailMate has this non-uploaded email in its drafts folder. Make sure you have looked for the email in “[Gmail]/Drafts” within the account under Sources in the mailbox list.

    Note that to make the issue temporarily go away, you can take the “[Gmail]/Drafts” mailbox offline without taking the account offline.

    If you still cannot locate the email then I'll see if I can make MailMate handle the TOOBIG “error” in a better way.

  • Gerald Grow

    Gerald Grow March 15th, 2019 @ 09:03 PM

    Ah! That solved it.

    Here was my problem: The name Gmail Trash or Gmail Draft exists in two separate locations -- on the online Gmail server (which is where I looked) AND in the local Mailmate folders.

    Once I understood this, I found the oversized attachment in the MAILMATE Gmail folder, deleted it, deleted it from the Mailmate trash folder, and the Mailmate sync was able to complete.

    If anyone reading this has the same error message, be alert to where the oversized file is located and must be deleted -- on your own computer, in the Mailmate folders and then trash folder.

    Thanks, Benny.

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Mac OS X email client.

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